Binti. Summary
Binti, a young girl from the Himba tribe, embarks on an exciting and mysterious journey. This decision was very difficult for her, because no one from her tribe has ever traveled abroad before. Her relatives are people who strongly respect traditions and live cohesively on their territory. Binti, in pursuit of knowledge in mathematics and physics, which her father began to reveal to her when she was a child, risks going to another planet called Oomza University. Oomza is a whole planet that is fully equipped for the education of different peoples within the university.
To go to another planet, Binti enters the shuttle, where she feels lonely. She is surrounded by people from other nations, there is not a single familiar person around. However, in a few weeks she finds friends, even finds a crush, feelings for whom brighten up her trip. Everything is going very positively and calmly until it happens... The so-called Meduse, fantastic translucent creatures with tentacles which are similar to jellyfish break into the shuttle and kill almost all people on the board. Miraculously, Binti herself and several people from the staff, including the pilot, remain alive. Binti is consumed by shock and a feeling of emptiness, she tries to hide in the room that the Meduse did not kill her. As she eventually realizes, her life was saved by the edan. This is a device that causes pain to Meduse and they do not attack those who own it. Hiding in a room, Binti begins to experience hunger, thirst and health problems. At the same time, Okwu, one of the Meduse, is trying to reach her and convince her that she will die anyway, since the corresponding order has been received. Binti refuses to open the door and does not want to make contact.
After a few days, Okwu manages to find a common language with Binti, perhaps because they were about the same age. Okwu was surprised by two facts: firstly, he realizes that people up to this point could not communicate with Meduse and understand each other, secondly, otjize, which Binti used to wash her hair, healed the wounds of Meduse and Okwu asked to share this ointment with him. Meduse understand that Binti is a special girl and the desire to murder her begins to fade. Okwu explains to Binti that their attack was only revenge, and it was caused by the fact that the people from Oomza Uni stole a Chief's stinger and placed it in their museum. Stinger gives Meduse power, thus stealing was unacceptable. Then they plan to go to the planet and take revenge there further. Binti, being a master of harmonization, offers herself in the role of a person who will settle the entire conflict through negotiations. She is sent to the Chief of Meduse to make a final decision. Subsequently, Binti was allowed to act as a negotiator, but under several conditions. To begin with, one of the Meduse pierced her with its tentacle so that she would become one of them. Because of this, tentacles began to grow on Binti's head. Secondly, she was forced to give up edan, which is the only thing that guaranteed her safety in communicating with Meduse. Binti agreed to do it and successfully negotiated upon arrival on the planet.
The professors admitted their mistake and promised to return the stinger. Further, Binti and Okwu, as a sign of reconciliation between Khoush and Meduse, were admitted to the university and together, already being friends, began their studies.
© 2022 This website is created as a final project for the course "The Fantastic in World Literature" by Nikita Gordonov and Nikita Vechkanov, HSE&NES'24 students